i saw an old flame's photo yesterday. he still looks as good looking as ever (maybe more so) and it had me thinking that if we never parted what would have happen. i probably had a kid or two by now and i might have a different life than i have. its kinda scary and a bit, i don't know, trilling when i think about that life that would never be mine. since i always like kids i'm feeling a bit sad when i saw his child. that might have been mine if things turned out differently.
oh well, GOD probably never design that life for me so i'm having this one right now. there's no use dwelling in things that can never happen. i'll just live my life the way it is and let GOD direct me in the path he wants me to.
oh well, GOD probably never design that life for me so i'm having this one right now. there's no use dwelling in things that can never happen. i'll just live my life the way it is and let GOD direct me in the path he wants me to.