♥ Feelings

there are times that i tell myself that it's okay, no need to take it to heart. some feelings just needs time to be truly known and some feelings has to be let go but feelings has never has been an easy thing to understand. feelings are fragile and a lot more complicated than i credit it for. like for example, i just laugh it all off when they tell me things about him. however, deep inside i know it hurts. it even hurts more when he just ignores me like i don't even exist. however, all i can do is to ignore the hurt and focus on the brighter side of life. i should be thankful that once in my life i've been a part of his and he has been a part of mine so i shouldn't be feeling quite pitiful. i should just smile and be strong. however, this doesn't mean that i'm gonna give up. it doesn't matter if nothing changes. all i know is that i'll stand firm and won't budge no matter what awaits in my future.


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